Endometriosis is a pathology that significantly reduces the quality of life of women. Severe abdominal and inguinal pains, severe pain during periods, concentration problems during work, depression, fatigue, insomnia, pain during sexual intercourse and infertility are the problems caused by this mysterious disease. 

The cause of this pathology is not clearly defined yet. This disease is more common in women with endometriosis in the family, suggesting a genetic predisposition. However, the way of genetic transition is not determined and studies are still going on. Another factor is thought to be the relationship between endometriosis and immune system. Autoimmune diseases are more common in patients with endometriosis suggesting that endometriosis is triggered by a factor that suppresses the immune system. Research is also ongoing about this relation.

Endometriosis is defined as a benign but severely painful disease. Although the reasons are not known exactly, it is more common in women of reproductive age, therefore it is considered as an estrogen hormone dependent disease. Risk factors for endometriosis are frequent and long lasting periods, infertility, fiber-free and fat-dominant nutrition, insufficient exercise, intensive caffeine consumption. According to statistics, there are 176 million women in the world having endometriosis, that is one out of every 10 women has endometriosis. This number in Turkey is 1.5-2 million.

Since the diagnosis of endometriosis cannot be easily established, treatment of patients may be delayed. A definitive diagnosis was made by laparoscopy. Endometriosis is treated with medications and surgery. A woman diagnosed with endometriosis is not treated with medications if she wants to have a baby. Surgical treatment is applied in case of huge chocolate cysts or blocked tubes. Laparoscopy is the surgical method of endometriosis treatment. Following laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, pregnancy is achieved either spontaneously or with IVF depending on the severity of the disease.

It is usually not possible to prevent endometriosis, but it can be delayed by some measures. Consuming fiber-rich food, less caffeine, less sugar, reducing refined food consumption, consuming foods rich in green vegetables, fruits and antioxidants, exercising, breastfeeding, giving birth, the use of birth control pills are among the measures that may delay the emergence or progression of the disease.

Endometriosis is more and more diagnosed among adolescents and young women nowadays. Early diagnosis and initiation of suppressive treatment are the aims for this disease. Therefore raising awareness about endometriosis is of utmost importance. Early diagnosis and suppression will restrain the possible damage of endometriosis on fertility and quality of life.  


                                                                       Banu Kumbak Aygun, M.D., Professor  

                                                                                 Gynecology & Obtetrics

                                                                                         IVF Specialist

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